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Orion's Milky Way Scavenger Hunt & Give Away: Clue 2
Orion's Milky Way Scavenger Hunt & Give Away: Clue 2

Orion's Milky Way Scavenger Hunt & Give Away: Clue 2

Orion's Milky Way Scavenger Hunt is on! Take a stab at figuring out this week's clue, and send in your image or sketch of the mystery object in order to be entered to win a StarShoot AutoGuider Pro Mono Astrophotography Camera!

Join the scavenger hunt any time-we're now in our second week. The clues are posted each week on our Facebook page. But first, please make sure to:

In looking for objects along the Milky Way, you will see stars, open clusters, globular clusters, and nebulae. You might even see exotic objects, such as supernova remnants, or areas glowing from the intense radiation of extremely hot stars called Wolf-Rayet stars. There is much to see, enjoy, and stimulate the mind. We will visit several of these objects, and may even stray far afield, to the galaxies beyond!

Week 2: Let's Get Started

Each week's clues begin at Messier 39, or M39, in honor of Orion's 39th Anniversary, which we're celebrating this July. M39 is marked with the yellow cross in the image below.


Directions to M39:

Locate the constellation Cygnus, the Swan above the eastern horizon. The main stars in Cygnus are also known as the Northern Cross, as shown in white. The brightest star in the cross is Deneb. Find the middle star of the cross (Gamma Cygni), then the cross star nearest the horizon. From there, note two chains of stars. These chains end at two stars of near equal brightness. The cross marked in yellow is M39's location.

Once you've found M39, you're ready to begin the hunt!

Orion Scavenger Hunt Target #2:

  • We'll give you a clue, or even a few
  • For M39 scavenger hunt #2.
  • Move 39 degrees from M39,
  • On a 52 degree angle, draw that line.
  • Its constellation gained notorious fame,
  • When the gods said vanity became her name.
  • Its contrasting members only number 2,
  • Quite near a line, gracing the 'W'.
  • Normally seen easily with the naked eye,
  • But the Moon's nearly full-still, give it a try.
  • At a distance of a mere 19 light years,
  • It ranks seventh in a family of its Greek peers.
  • Yellow and orange, make a beautiful pair,
  • Nothing rhymes with orange, so we won't go there.
  • A twin to our Sun, in color and size
  • With its companion, it pleases the eyes.
  • A close neighbor in light years, one member a twin
  • To the star we call home, in the solar system we're in.
  • Gravitationally bound, they are truly a pair
  • From mid-north latitudes, they're always there!
  • Its yellow member is how our Sun would appear
  • If you were out there, looking back at us here.
  • What is this object? Do you think you know?
  • If so, you might just win an AutoGuider Pro!

Send in your guess, with a sketch or image of the object, via a Facebook message to Orion Telescopes & Binoculars.

Date Taken: 06/26/2014
Author: Mark Wagner
Category: Seasonal

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